Thursday, March 18, 2010

Medical Emergency

My Medical Emergency; This Happened Todayby Jon Benson

Sometimes you have to nearly lose it all to realize what you truly have.
I can honestly say that I have come close to death several times in my life. I've had my share of accidents, medical emergencies, and a near-fatal accident while driving.
But there was something about just laying on the gym floor today with two doctors hovering over me that gave me serious pause.
Time for some major reflection.
Now, before you get too alarmed (for those who know me, or just think I'm a pretty good guy... ; )... fear not. I did not have a stroke or anything like that, thank goodness.
What I did have was a major drop in blood pressure... so much that I came dangerously close to entering the "coma" zone.
I kid you not.
And trust me... I felt like I was slipping fast.
My girlfriend was there with me. I had her kneel down and, just like Spock in an old episode of "Star Trek", I had her slap me several times in the face. Hard!
"If my eyes roll back, hit me harder."
The doctor probably thought I was nuts... but I know that's one way to elevate my blood pressure.
So, what happened? Am I falling apart at the relatively young age of 46? Is my dietary and exercise advise dangerous after all?
No... and here's why:
I actually VOLUNTEERED for this.
Before you think I've totally lost my marbles, hear me out. If you listen to the rest of the story, you'll see that not only has my advice been of great value when it comes to exercise and dietary strategy... it actually ended up saving my butt!

Really Bad Genetics Meets The Cath Lab: A Wild Encounter
First, the "volunteered for this" bit needs explaining... right? Right.
If you read my first book, published in 2004, called "Fit Over 40" (read more ) then you may recall that I went into great detail about my poor genetics and horrible health in my early and mid-30s.
Since then, and knowing exactly how bad my genetics are for such things as high blood pressure (oh, the irony!), heart disease, and stroke, I adopted the dietary plan and exercise routine I use to this very day. The very ones I cover in "The Every Other Day Dietplan" and "7 Minute Body."
(If you don't have these books and want them, you can get both here...
oh, and I have a short video up on this page if you have not seen on a 1-minute fatloss tip... )
Now, let's get real folks: Dietary power and exercise MAY not be enough to overcome really bad genetics when it comes to certain diseases. And being ever curious, I wanted to know exactly how my own health was doing on my plan. So a month or so ago I paid a visit to the hospital to have some tests ran. All my yearly check-ups were okay, but I wanted a closer look at my heart... and I mean "literally".
I wanted to be "cathed"... this is where they insert a camera into your heart, going up the femoral artery in your right leg, and take a look around. If they find anything dangerous, like a clogged artery, they can fix it right then and there with a stent. A stent is a metal device that presses plaque against the artery wall and opens up a clogged artery.
Of course I hoped I would not find such a thing... and certainly nothing worse. I mean, can you imagine? "Mr. Benson, you need a quadruple bypass!"
I could not, that's for sure... and I was fortunate because, as you probably guessed, I didn't hear those words from my doc.
It's hard to get a cath done as it's a risky procedure. I can't even tell you how I managed to pull it off ... that's how touchy the hospitals are when it comes to this kind of stuff. Afterwards, I volunteered to do 5-10 workouts at their heart care facility so I could hook myself up to some nifty gadgets. I get to watch my EKG (how my heart is functioning during cardio and weights... and it works like a charm!) and really nice doctor folks come by to check my blood pressure (which is always low) during the workout.
Yep... the doc and I wanted to put my workout plan to the test, I guess you could say. I wanted to do it just to make sure I was 100% healthy during my training. You never really "know" I suppose, so I was up for it. And my doctor wanted me to do it just in case what he found during the cath was serious. There's a lot to this process, and there's some details I don't wish to cover for privacy sake... but anyway, back to my story.
It's long, but it may save your life too. : )
The Good News... The Bad News...And The Stupid Jon News!
Turns to find out I made a few mistakes... some pretty costly mistakes... but (get this) none of them had to do with my dietary or exercise plan.
During the cath, here's what the doc said:
"Jon, your heart's two primary arteries look good... hardly any obstruction at all. And they are nice and thick from exercise." For a guy who has had a cholesterol level of over 400 before, and a history of heart disease in the family, this was really good news.
"However, your genetics are catching up to you in one of your arteries.... and you need to be more aggressive with your drug treatment to make sure we don't have to go back in here one day!"
Er... what??
Yep... turns out that the only thing that saved me from a BYPASS (that's right) was what the doctor called "an enormous amount of peripheral arteries formed from years and years of weight training and exercise."
"Look right here Jon..." (He showed me my beating heart on camera... freaky...) "See all these arteries? Well the average person doesn't have them. You do. Congratulations... you earned them."
Wow again. And remember, I only workout with weights 3-4 times per week and my workouts are rarely over 21 minutes (time under the weight.)
What I Did Right... And WhatI Did Wrong... And Why ThisCould Save Your Life
So, listen up folks as I'm about to tell you everything I did wrong for the past several years... how it ALMOST cost me dearly (a bypass?... no thanks!)... how I managed to prevent it... and how I ended up on the gym floor today with doctors all around me.
It's all related. And again, sorry for the novel-like email, but (again) this may save your life.
First, here's what my excellent cardiologist said I did RIGHT:
1. Exercise: "Jon, your exercise plan, to put it bluntly, saved you from a great deal of pain... in fact it probably saved your life as these blockages would have been far worse without it." With it, I had only one artery with enough blockage to warrant the drug therapy that I should have been on for years... more on that in a second...
2. Dietary plan: "Jon, your diet is perfect for this condition... low in carbs, high in protein and healthy fats is all anyone can do in order to help fight this genetic killer." Yep... again... prevention in the form of dietplan saved my butt. Or rather my heart. : ) But it wasn't enough... at least for one artery. However, it WAS enough to prevent them from having to do surgery on me.
"Jon, the take-away here is simple: Exercise and dietary plans, even the very best, may not be enough for super high-risk people... but in your case your lifestyle saved your life. And it certainly prevented you from having to have any serious surgery to correct a truly broken heart."
Talk about EXCITING news... yep... you CAN beat this killer, even when you have MY horrible family genetics. However, like me, you may need some help... more on that in a second.
3. Blood pressure: "Jon, your blood pressure is excellent. Your lifestyle and very low-dose diuretic has kept your formerly sky-high blood pressure (it was 200/110 when I was 32!) to an excellent 118/78." But you know doctors... even "excellent" isn't enough and they recommended a stronger BP med for "my intense weight training."
So, I listened... and ended up on the floor today. You see, many doctors do not realize the POWER of weight training compared to cardio. My blood pressure never budges during cardio, but less than 3 minutes into a resistance (weight-training) session it goes down like the stock market after a bad news day.
I mean SHOOTS down. I tried to explain this by letting the doctor see the veins in my legs... "Doc, my veins are MUCH larger than the average person's... trust me, my pressure is fine." "Jon, just try it for a few weeks."
Bad mistake.... like I said, I ended up on the gym floor today with a blood pressure of 72/45. If I hit 40, I'm literally in a coma. 5 points away... very scary. Needless to say the doc took me OFF these meds and let me do it my way: With my Every Other Day Dietplan (low-carb most of the days) and good-old exercise.
If you have high blood pressure, I URGE you to take up weight training or resistance (body-weight or band) training. Of course, ask your doc about it first... but I've seen first hand for three weeks now how powerful my weight training sessions are compared to intense cardio sessions.
They are night and day folks... weights RULE. Cardio is good, but weights are best. Both of course would be the best course for ultimate health, but most people do far too much cardio and far too little resistance training.
Now, here's what I did WRONG:
1. Cigars: "Jon, you cannot afford to smoke cigars... ever. They have lowered your protective HDL to a dangerous level. Stop NOW!" That's all it took folks. Yes, I smoked cigars for many years, but fortunately I was never an addict. I quit that very day.
Guess what? 10 days later my HDL DOUBLED (no kidding)... and without drugs. Of course that's not all I did...
2. Fat too LOW: "Jon, you've lowered your dietary fat too low... this affects your HDL." Yep, I normally eat about 35% dietary fat... and I cut it down to 20% to help me get ready for a photoshoot. Now that I put it back to where it belongs, I still have my abs (yep!) and my HDL is raising as I type.
3. Stress: "Jon, you are simply working too hard not to do some form of meditation or de-stressing." So I dove back into my meditation CDs. (I'll tell you more about Holosync and my hypnosis CDs in my next email... very cool stuff.)
4. Advil: "Jon, you take 4 Advil before you train? You're nuts! That stuff can cause sticky plaque formations!!" You know, I may never even had an issue if I had known this (and not smoked cigars) a few years ago. Live and learn!
5. And finally... oh, this hurt to hear... no drugs! "Jon, if you want to make sure you beat this thing, you simply must take some meds to help." Okay, I resisted any form of statin drug for the past 15 years (drugs to lower cholesterol.) I opted to try natural stuff... but unfortunately for me I was never too consistent. And I paid the price.
So the doc and I came to a compromise: I would take the LOWEST dose of statin along with 400 mg of CoQ10 (scary, but this was my idea, not his, and statins deplete this heart-friendly enzyme!) But I wanted a natural solution to the real issue: small particle LDL. You see, I've known for years that I carry the gene that makes LDL "small". LDL is not dangerous unless it is small... that's why "total cholesterol" means nothing to me. I've seen folks have heart attacks with a cholesterol level of 130. No joke. But their LDL was super-small... like mine.
And guess what? Dietplans cannot really help this. Well, they can HURT it (too many carbs, too many toxic fats, etc.) but they cannot shift the LDL from small to large.
For that, you need plain old niacin. Just a simple B vitamin... but in not-so-simple doses. In fact it's considered a drug at the dose you have to take, and you should NEVER take niacin over 50 mg without a doctor's supervision as it can be very toxic to the liver.
The Conclusion: The PowerIs In Your Hands
In conclusion, I'm A-Okay... my heart pumps and functions "like that of a strong 20-year-old" (my doctor's quote) thanks to the extra arteries I developed from my exercise program (how cool!) ... but in order to keep that one artery in check, I'm taking his advice and taking much better care of myself than I have been.
Today I learned that this does NOT mean taking blood pressure meds...thankfully... : ) But I had to make some changes. Some of them were "stupid" changes... sure, I know cigars are not good for you. I know you need good fats in your dietplan. I could have used common sense and figured out that 4-8 Advil on workout days was... well, stupid.
But the good news, which is what I choose to focus on, is this: In the areas that 95% of people NEVER change, I didn't have to change much at all.
Dietary plan and exercise.
Turns to find out that what I was doing works great... and it did, in fact, save my heart and quite possibly my life.
For more on my dietplan and exercise routine, go here:
Thanks for reading, and I wish all of you good health!
Yours In Fitness,
P.S. I got lucky in many ways, but especially so when it came to my doctors. Both of my doctors are young and savvy enough to be up on the latest research on nutrition. They know NOT to buy into this "low-fat" nonsense for heart health. (I'd use a harsher word, but kiddos may be reading... : ) That only works for about 10-15% of the population. The rest of us need to lower our CARBS, not our fats... but the way I do it I get to keep my favorite carbs in my dietplan every week.
The little that I do eat keeps me happy as a clam, and keeps my heart nice and healthy too. A little bit of bad food will not hurt most people... but eating it every day can flat-out kill you.
Please... take this seriously. I promise, my dietplan and exercise routine is a PLEASURE to follow... but if you don't follow it then find one that IS enjoyable for you to follow... and do it.
Life is too short, you know?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

1-minute fatloss tip

1-minute fatloss tip

Got a minute?
That's all I need to share Jon Benson's first of many video-based 1-minute fatloss tips.
Go here for the first of many....
His new design is something to see too.
He will be posting his weekly live 1-minute video, tons of new features... even a "diet quiz" if you care to test your fatloss knowledge.
Plus his main presentation: "1 Tip To A Flat Belly!"

Friday, January 1, 2010

"Obesity and Swine Flu"

Well, it is happening:
Swine flu is beginning to really take hold.
Not just in the United States, but all over the world.
But that's not the scary part...
... the scary part is the fact that being obese OR overweight has now been directly linked to DYING from the swine flu.
My friend Jon Benson put together a 5-minute video that documents these findings.
This is freee for you to view -- and you owe it to yourself to check it out.
Go here --
Folks, we have to get a grip on this.
And believe it or not, it starts in your kitchen.
Watch the video to find out what to do.

"How To Avoid Those 5 Awful Words..."

"I'm Not in the Mood" with Some Libido-Lifting Tips
Tell me if you can relate to the following experience:
A long week of work has finally reached its end. Sure, the week was difficult, but the main reason for its lengthiness was due to anticipation -- anticipation of what the weekend held in store.
All weekends are great. But this weekend was billed to be WAY above average. Why? Because you were spending it with your significant other, away from it all, in one of the finest of hotels your city has to offer. And if a little bit of luck was on your side, it would turn out to be one of the more memorable "experiences" of a lifetime -- ahem, if you know what I mean (and I think you do).
Turns out, things didn't go as planned. The hotel was great, and the decor was to die for, but The Five Dreaded Words were spoken, the ones that always put the kibosh on a romantic night of lovemaking: "I'm not in the mood."
Each one of us have either felt or heard these words spoken before, and whether you're the giver or the receiver, it's never pleasant. Sex is a HUGE part of a relationship, and when opportunities for lovemaking go by the wayside, it frequently diminishes forthcoming opportunities -- whether it's due to fear of the same thing happening again, or the lowering of expectations.
The key, of course, is to have that "motivation" within you at all times so those Five Dreaded Words are never spoken. Here's a small helping of ways in which to keep your libido lifted so you can avoid the 5DW :
Skeptics argue that keeping one's libido lifted through diet is a self-fulfilling prophecy; in other words, if you think almonds or chocolate will lift your libido, odds are good they will.
But scientific evidence -- not psychosomatic hogwash -- suggests that certain foods do, indeed, lift one's libido. For example, a study from Southwestern University found that coffee beans lift the libido of females. For men, the love-lifting libation is tea, specifically Damiana tea. Alternative health expert Dr. Sarah Brewer says the ingredient responsible for increasing male libido in this tea is called gonzalitosin. This ingredient sends a tingling sensation to the penis.
As a man, all I can say is, "Say no more!"
Supplementing with vitamins and minerals are, hopefully, a normal part of your daily regimen, but specific supplements provide a great boost to your sex drive. Take St. John's Wort as an example.
St. John's Wort has a multitude of benefits -- from improving one's mood to improving one's mind -- and those benefits can be found in the bedroom. Because of its mood-improving properties, studies have shown that 60 percent of people formerly uninterested in sex regained their interest after taking St. John's Wort.
Care for two more? Try ginseng and gingko biloba on for size (and no, I don't mean that kind of size). Ginseng is one of the earliest herbs to be widely marketed in the United States, and it's taken by millions of people regularly for the natural boost of energy it provides. So for people whose energy levels leave them pooped time comes for whoopee, ginseng is just the thing.
As for gingko biloba, this oddly-named herb stimulates blood flow throughout the body and brain (which explains why it's taken by those who have a hard time remembering things). As blood flow improves its flow throughout the body, it serves as the perfect elixir for those who have a hard time getting a, shall we say, "hard on."
Research published in the Journal of Sex Education and Therapy found that men who took gingko biloba regularly were able to maintain erections after six months (granted, gingko biloba is not an overnight healer, but the improvement took place, and it took place without the negative side effects that always accompany male impotency drugs).
A low libido may feel like something that's out of your hands; something that will come back on its own in its own due course. That may be the case, but more often than not, it can be through our every-day actions and lifestyle.
For more information on the "Why?" and "How?" of libido, you may want to check out a great new website I've discovered. At (READ MORE) you'll discover some of the hidden reasons why your libido has been slumping for so long, but more importantly, how to get it on the upswing quickly, painlessly, and naturally.
I hope you'll take this opportunity and visit (READ MORE) today. By the time your next weekend getaway comes around, you'll thank me (and your partner will thank you).
I recommend you visit their website immediately, where you'll get a crash course on how this issue has affected me personally; more information on the links between what's 'down there' and hypertension; and most important of all, how you can improve the health of your body and your relationship...all-naturally.

"Freee fatloss course and book!"

"Freee fatloss course and book!"
This is one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time.
Fitness pro Jon Benson released a bombshell last week on the fat-burning world.
He is giving away a book's worth of material in his freee 7-Day Personal Fat Loss Certification Course.
Freee... and get this: Anyone who completes the course gets his book "The Radical Fatloss Blueprint" freee as well.
So there's nothing to buy at all... in fact you get tons of freee stuff AND you can even earn bucks in the program.
It's just too cool for words.
So go see it for yourself:
CLICK NOW<--- freee fatloss Course and book
Here is a short review:
The Course is for anyone who wants to become their own "personal" fatloss expert. It is complete with a quiz each day and more material than most people sell in a book... and it's totally freee.
After the course, you get his "Radical Fatloss Blueprint" freee too. This is all about how he and a group of "guinea pigs" experimented with natural techniques and got up to 21 lbs of unwanted bodyfat off in just 21 days.
The average was 17.5, but some people got as much as 30 lbs off.
All with little to no muscle lost.
It then outlines the 'exact' workout and supplement "feeding" schedule Jon still uses to get into top shape in 21 days.
This is down to the 'hour'... and it includes home workouts or gym workouts. Your choice.
This is his gift to my readers, and I am thrilled to share it with you.
Here you go:
click now<--- freee fatloss Course and book
Enjoy the course!

"Should you be concerned?"

"Should you be concerned?"
Anyone with a history of high blood pressure in their family knows what devastation it can wreak. It carries with it a mishmash of health risks, many of them serious, like tripling the risk of dying from a heart attack, quadrupling the risk of dying from a stroke, doubling the risk of congestive heart failure and tripling the risk of developing kidney disease.
But if our very lives weren't enough for high blood pressure to be in the top five of our "Health Issues to Be Concerned About" lists, then how about the lives of our marriages and relationships?
High blood pressure has a significant impact on a couple's sexlife. Sex is a crucial part of any relationship, and when a loving couple is not having it at least on a semi-regular basis, more often than not, the relationship sours faster than curdled milk.
The reason high blood pressure affects the average sexlife all boils down to blood flow. Due to the narrowing of the arteries that high blood pressure creates, it diminishes a man's ability to have an.erection -- never mind maintain one -- as there's less blood flowing to the penis.
To rectify this situation, the average guy heads to his doctor, reluctantly tells him or her about his issues "down there," and the doctor prescribes him with some form of hypertension med -- usually an alpha or beta-blocker.
Problem solved, right? Not exactly.
While your blood pressure levels might lower incrementally, your sex drive will lower incrementally as well -- the very opposite of what you want to have happen.
This isn't some theory concocted by so-called natural health "whack jobs," mind you. Well-respected news organizations and medical information outlets -- like ABC News and the Mayo Clinic -- corroborate this. In an ABC News webcast on Feb. 7 of last year, Dr. Domenic Sica, chairman for Clinical Pharmacology and Hypertension at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, said this:
"When you look at it, a number of the blood pressure medications we use are associated with the onset of male dysfunction. Now, that can be a diuretic, a beta-blocker, or so-called peripheral alpha beta-blocker -- those are three drugs commonly linked to male dysfunction."
I'm not sure the link can be made any clearer; you name the hypertension drug, and it will adversely affect your sexlife.
Given this, if you'll pardon the cliche, how does one kill two birds with one stone? How does one lower their blood pressure and improve their lovelife at the same time? Or is that even possible?
Absolutely it's possible, and you can learn how to do it all-naturally.
Bestselling authors Frank Mangano and Jon Benson have developed an easy, all-natural way to lower your blood pressure and improve your sexlife at the same time. They weren't sure this was possible, but after months of research and hordes of emails from people on how their system worked for them, they don't just think it's possible, they know it's possible!
Let me prove it to you.

Go here:

I recommend you visit their website immediately, where you'll get a crash course on how this issue has affected me personally; more information on the links between what's 'down there' and hypertension; and most important of all, how you can improve the health of your body and your relationship...all-naturally.

"Now THIS is interesting..."

Have you ever started out to do one thing but ended up doing something different?
Night and day different?
Remember how Post-It Notes were invented?
Some guy was trying to come up with a "permanent" glue.
Obviously he failed... and he considered it a failure... but 3M had another idea.
The guy was all of a sudden Joe Brilliant.
Well, I'm feeling a bit like Joe today.
But this is much more interesting to you than Post-It Notes...
It's about s - e - x... sorta.
Not dirty, I'm talking about couple's stuff here.
My new book just came out today about it.
But it didn't start off that way at all.
In fact ... get this... I was co-writing a book with medical researcher Frank Mangano on lowering blood pressure without meds... really.
So how did this big U-turn occur?
Okay, okay.... funny, true story:
I read this article from a medical journal about how "lowering blood pressure would help sexual-performance-problems."
Ding. The lightbulb went off in my head.
You see, lowering blood pressure is probably the most healthy thing you can do for yourself.
But face it -- it's really, really BORING.
I mean, who really cares about their blood pressure unless their doctor says, "Look, lower your blood pressure or you'll die in six months."
Then you care.
Are you with me?
I'm right and we all know it.
Heck, I was the same way.
I ignored my blood pressure for years until it hit stroke-level back in my 30s.
Then I could no longer ignore it.
I found every natural alternative possible... which led me to Frank's books... and they are the BEST.
So Frank comes to me and asks me to contribute to his very popular on-the-shelf book "The Blood Pressure Miracle" --
... and I said,
"Hey, guess what I just read?"
Since he's the researcher, I said, "Go see if there's any truth to this."
The results BLEW MY MIND.
Not only is there truth to it -- that, yes... lowering blood pressure not only extends your life but also extends your sexlife as well -- but WOW... it's a major player in everything from male-ED to females feeling "out of the mood."
It's crazy, but it's true.
It makes sense once you read this:
READ MORE<--- Low Pressure Sex-System
Hang with me: It gets better...
So Frank digs up article after article on the subject of high blood pressure and LOW sexual-energy and performance... and we have a much more compelling reason to want to lower our blood pressure, now don't we?
But we wanted more.
I said, "Look Frank, I get a lot of emails about sex-after-30... people who want to feel more kick, more alive in that area of their lives... and above all, closer to their mates."
So... we decided to add another book on TOP of our book...
... a book on improving sexual-pleasure for couples only. "RevolutionarySex" is the name of it. My friend Alex Allman wrote it...and just like that we had two books instead of one.
But that's not all... ( told you... this story is interesting... ; )
THEN my friend Jeff Anderson comes out with his "homemade V" -- and guys, we know what "V" stands for.
Listen: V (little blue things) is really dangerous stuff. It really is. It RAISES blood pressure for one thing. For another it can cause addiction and memory loss.
But Jeff's version is all-natural, cheap (we're talking pennies instead of dollars per "pill" to make) and above all... SAFE.
So all of a sudden... THREE books (plus an audio)... so...
It became a System, not a book.
And the topic went from "lowering blood pressure" to ...
... How you can completely solve your sexual-performance-problems and increase your pleasure all by lowering blood pressure naturally without meds."
What a concept...
...and it WORKS.
READ MORE<--- <--- Low Pressure Sex-System
Here are the advantages...
1. If you take blood pressure meds... and a lot of you do... your "kick in the stick" suffers. A lot. Some men suffer all the way, which lead them to taking the V stuff...
... and that stuff 'raises' blood pressure.
Bad, bad combo. Our System gets you off of that dangerous and expensive cycle of drugs and on to a natural, easy approach that also adds pleasure to your relationship.
2. Cheaper... by far... than meds.
3. Something you can read and do as a couple or as a single person.
4. You get healthy and you get your vigor back at the same time. Ladies too.
5. It's guaranteed-to-work... 60 days on us.
I'm very proud of this System. We put a lot of time, research and effort into it.
If you want a life freee from high BP and sexual-performance-issues and better health, then go here:
READ MORE<--- Low Pressure Sex-System
P.S. There's even more to this story --
We created an "Advanced Health and Relationship-Saver Kit" that comes with the most awesome self-hypnosis audios to help you relieve stress, lower pressure, increased your "drive", and more.
You can get the starter Kit or the Advanced Kit here:
READ MORE<--- Low Pressure Sex-book
Here's to your health... and your increased pleasure and enjoyment.

The Skinny on Fats

Let's get this one out in the open:
1. Fats do not make you gain bodyfat.
2. Fats do not put you on Heart Attack Row.
3. Fats are not the enemy.
We've been sold a bag of lies when it comes to fats.
Fats are essential for your body's hormone production, skin health, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and even burning bodyfat. Yep... you need fats to burn fat.!
Studies have been conducted to attempt to elevate cholesterol levels using high-fat diets. Most all of them have failed miserably -- in fact several "lowered" total cholesterol while raising the so-called "good" cholesterol (HDL).
That being said, you don't need the following...
1. A lot of fats in your diet. Fats still contain over twice the calories per gram as carbs and protein.
2. Any kind of "fake fats" -- margarine or processed oils of any kind are highly dangerous foods.
Here's my simple dietary fats solution:
1. Eat fats as they occur in nature, but eat at least 80% as they "actually" occur in nature -- meaning from grass-fed and free-range sources. The extra cost is worth it. It tastes better and your medical costs will well offset the few dollars more per pound you pay.
2. Cook with a combination of olive oil and coconut oil, but use both sparingly. If you are eating plenty of animal protein you do not need excessive fats... not because of 'danger' but because of needless calories. Not a good idea if you're wanting to keep your abs. But a bit of raw butter or olive oil can make bland veggies taste wonderful, so feel freee.
Also, omega 3-rich fats like olive oil and fish (and especially fish oil) help lower inflammation. That's the real culprit behind heart disease in most cases.
3. Avoid a lot of fats at night. The night-time meals should be high in lean protein (tuna, tofu, turkey breast) with very limited fats if you are wanting to really get lean. If you are just trying to shed bodyweight slowly, it's okay to have some fats at night.
Just do me a favor: If you are on the "Fats make you gain bodyfat and have heart attacks" bandwagon, jump off. We have consumed fat for countless thousands of years. Just consume it the way we always HAVE (naturally, not stuffed with hormones and cooked up in a lab) and you'll be fine.
If you want a diet-solution that actually uses dietary fats to help you take off the bodyfat, then use this one:
CLICK HERE <--- Eat Fats, Burn Bodyfat!
It's a real-world plan that allows you to eat your favorite foods and still shed the bodyweight you want.
And yes -- that includes fats.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Exercise Less, Not More!

Exercise Less, Not More!
[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]
If I had to pick out the number one reason most people fail to achieve good results in the gym, guess what it would be?
Over-training. Exercising too much.
Sounds counter-intuitive, but trust me: It's quite real.
Folks write to me all the time and say...
"Jon, I don't get it. I cannot lose bodyfat and I'm running six days a week for an hour and training in the gym five days a week for 45 minutes!"
My answer back is usually:
"You are training 4x more than me, and I'm a fitness pro!"
Look, do you take 21 aspirin for a headache, thinking the more you take the faster your pain will go away?
So why apply the same logic to fitness? Only a certain amount is required. Beyond that, you are spinning your wheels.
When I wrote 7 Minute Muscle (available here: I exposed all the lies about training too long and why this is not the best way to achieve the results you want. Check it out if you want the facts.
One more thing: 75% of your progress will come in the kitchen, not in the gym or on the treadmill.
As for me, I would much rather eat smart and train less than train all the time and be forced to eat 6-8 times a day just to recover from it all.
That makes no sense to me at all.
You? <--- Less Is More!

Exercise And The Brain

Exercise And The Brain
[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]
If you ever needed another good reason to exercise, I've got one for you:
Exercise makes your brain bigger.
Actually this isn't entirely accurate. To be more specific, exercise was found to increase brain size slightly, but far more important to increase "spatial reasoning."
This is the ability to recognize patterns, remember phrases, numbers, and so-on. This was discovered by researchers at the Universities of Chicago and Pittsburgh.
It is also one of the most important factors to the prevention of Alzheimer's and dementia.
My mom suffered with dementia the last ten years of her life. But unlike most dementia patients she was fully functional thanks to exercise. She drove and had a mind that was unbelievably sharp right up until an accident injured her beyond the ability to exercise.
After that, she mentally went downhill rapidly. Thankfully, she passed in peace... and she had ten wonderfully active years thanks to her willingness to take up weight training at the age of 71.
She eventually walked up to 3 miles per day and trained in the gym 3 days per week.
That kept her mind sharp, along with fish oil and N-Acetyl L-Carnitine, a wonderful brain nutrient.
Once again, we see the power of exercise. It increases the QUALITY of your life.
Quantity is no where near as important to me as quality.
The links at the bottom of this newsletter are to my books on exercise. Pick the one that appeals to you most and take action.
Your brain will thank you, as will the rest of your body.
One of the best ways to start exercising when you are over 40 is by using the routines covered in "Fit Over 40".
This book profiles 53 different men and women, age 40 to 80, all sharing their workouts, nutrition plans, and mental empowerment techniques.
It is a MUST-HAVE for anyone wanting to begin exercising or improve their level of fitness after the age of 40.
For a freee fat-burning course from Fit Over 40, go here -- <--- Freee Fatburning Course

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How Long To Rest Between Sets

How Long To Rest Between Sets
[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]
A lot of my readers ask me how long to rest between sets while exercising.
The answer is: It depends on your goals.
If you are training to increase strength, I recommend resting a bit longer - up to two minutes for exercises like squats and heavy dumbbell work. But if you want to burn the most amount of bodyfat and gain lean muscle, I recommend resting for very short periods of time.
"The Iron Guru" Vince Gironda used to recommend leaving your hands on the bar between sets -- now THAT is short rest intervals! He would frequently rest only 15-20 seconds between sets.
This is similar to the strategy I use in 7 Minute Muscle -- very short rest intervals and very intense training. Smart, short, efficient. That's the way to go.
A good place to start is simply reducing your rest intervals by 10 seconds. No matter what workout you're using, decrease your rest by 10 seconds between sets. You may not be as strong on the last few sets (if you are training traditionally... if you use 7 Minute Muscle your rest is "built-in" and not an issue.) Over time you will work your way back up to the same amount of sets and reps but done in far less time.
This means more work output, which means more muscle if your nutrition is good.
This is the best way to train most of the time: Limited rest, intense sets, and short workouts.
They are the ones that produce results.
Go here for more information -- <--- Short, effective workouts

Potatoes, Glycemic Index, and "White Foods" - Friend or Foe for a Lean-Body?

Potatoes, Glycemic Index, and "White Foods" - Friend or Foe for a Lean-Body?
by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer
I'd like to start a little discussion today about carbohydrates... and in particular, "white foods" as well as potatoes. One reason I wanted to mention this is because so many health and fitness professionals trash talk potatoes about being a bad carbohydrate choice because of the high glycemic index. Some even say such ridiculous things as "avoid any and all white carbohydrates".
Ok, now while I certainly agree that white bread and refined white sugar are two of the worst things we can be feeding our bodies, I definately don't agree with avoiding any and all "white carbohydrates". Now I know all of the buzz lately has been about colorful foods and the protective antioxidants that they contain. They tell you to focus on colors and stay away from white.
"White Foods" aren't necessarily always the enemy
It's true that colorful foods are great, but it is a big mistake to specifically avoid white foods! There are plenty of white foods that have specific nutrients that are hard to find elsewhere. Let's look at a few examples...
Onions & Garlic
What about onions and garlic? They are both white and they are chock full of protective phytonutrients, vitamins, and trace minerals that aren't easy to find elsewhere in a normal diet... such nutrients as allicin, quercetin (an important flavonoid), chromium, and other unique anti-inflammatory nutrients.
Another example of something white that is great for you is cauliflower. Cauliflower is loaded with vitamin C, fiber, minerals, and special compounds such as glucosinolates and thiocyanates, which are specifically abundant in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. And a little-known fact is that some of the compounds in cruciferous vegetables help to combat other estrogenic compounds in our food supply and environment and can help prevent excess belly fat. So eat up on that cauliflower!
Not many people realize this, but surprisingly, even white mushrooms have high levels of unique nutrients and antioxidants. White mushrooms are high in a couple types of antioxidants called polyphenols and ergothioneine.
Now that also leads us to another example - white potatoes (which by the way, can also be found in red, yellow, purple varieties, etc). Many health professionals claim that potatoes are a bad carbohydrate because they are thought to have a high glycemic index. First of all, if you've read my Truth about Six Pack Abs book, then you understand that glycemic index is not necessarily the most important factor in choosing your carbohydrates.
While a generalization can be made that most low glycemic index carbohydrate choices will help you lose body fat easier than high glycemic index choices, it is not all that it's cracked up to be. There are many other factors that determine how your body will react-to and process the carbohydrates you ingest, such as glycemic load and also how you combine the high GI food with other foods.
For example, using glycemic load as an example... it is known that watermelon has a high glycemic index. However, the glycemic load of a normal serving of watermelon is just way too low for your body to start packing on body fat just because you ate a high glycemic index fruit. You would have to eat such an enormous quantity of watermelon just to get enough grams of carbohydrates to have any negative glycemic effect, that it is just non-sensical.
Not to mention that watermelon is also a great source of vitamins, minerals, and lycopene. There's just no reason to avoid it simply because it has a high GI. My point is... candy bars, cupcakes, and donuts make you fat... NOT watermelons, carrots or potatoes... French fries excluded of course.
Also, as i mentioned, food combinations are important in how your body processes the carbohydrates and the associated blood sugar and insulin response you receive. For example, if you mix a high glycemic index carbohydrate with an extra source of fiber, healthy fats, or even certain proteins, many times the blood sugar and glycemic response will be slowed down considerably by the way you combined the food. Again, I talk in detail about this entire topic in my Truth about Six Pack Abs book
Alright, so back to my point that white potatoes are actually a healthy carbohydrate as long as you eat them in the right form... with the entire skin, and please don't ruin them by deep frying them into french fries either! French fries are one of the most evil things ever invented for your health, but only because we ruin them by soaking them in a scorching bath of trans fats in the deep fryer from the hydrogenated oils that are typically used.
Keep in mind that potatoes contain so many vitamins and minerals that the list is way too long to even try. Also, as long as you eat the skins, you get a decent shot of fiber too.
Will 7-9 potatoes per day make you fatter?
On the topic of potatoes not being so bad after all, I don't remember where I saw this referenced, but I recently saw a particular study that had participants eat something like 7-9 whole potatoes per day for several weeks.
At the conclusion of the study, the potato eaters had actually consistently lost weight! I'd venture a guess that the reason the people lost weight is that they were probably so full from eating all of those damn potatoes, that they actually consumed less calories than normal! An average sized potato only has about 100-120 calories, and I can surely imagine you'd be full constantly from eating 7-9 potatoes each day.
Now I would never recommend going to those extremes, but my point is that an occasional potato is not going to hurt your efforts to get lean, especially if you combine it with some other fibrous vegetables and maybe a healthy fat and some protein. On that note, I have one of my favorite recipes for you, using potatoes.
Geary's Lean-Body Potato Side Dish
Desired quantity of baby potatoes (I like to use this mixture I found recently at a health food store... it is a mixture of white, red, yellow, and purple baby potatoes)
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 or 2 onions
a couple cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 or 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil and/or coconut oil
a little salt and pepper to taste (I like using a sea salt instead of normal commercial salt)
Cut the baby potatoes into slightly smaller pieces and place in a steamer until soft all the way through. Slice up the peppers and onions into strips and add with the chopped garlic into a pan with the olive oil. Cook the peppers, onions, and garlic until tender, and then add the steamed baby potatoes. Stir it all together and serve. This is a delicious and healthy side dish that goes great with chicken or red meat.
I hope you've enjoyed this little topic today about potatoes, healthy carbohydrates, glycemic index, and my killer healthy potato recipe idea!
If you enjoyed this article today, feel free to copy/paste this link and email to your friends and family that would be interested.
Mike GearyCertified Personal TrainerCertified Nutrition Specialist

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Find Out If You Too Are At Risk

Find Out If You Too Are At Risk:
Want to know what your real odds are of having a heart attack?
How about a stroke? Diabetes?
Okay, this isn't sounding like a positive letter... but hang in there. It gets a lot better and more positive.
I was having lunch today with my CPA and my good friend Sherry Strong. Sherry's upcoming book is a must-read. I will let you know when she's ready to release it.
Since Sherry has been here visiting me in Dallas I have learned SO much about natural food preparation and what really causes disease.
Our conversation took a turn to "doctor's tests." I think most of them are worthless. Some are vital.
It's important to know the difference.
I'm going to give you the three tests you absolutely must take if you want to help ensure your future health in a moment.
But first, let me give you Sherry's argument to my third test.
Yes, we nutritionists argue sometimes. ; )
I'll let you decide. But statically it's far more accurate than any blood test... and get this:
You can do it at home for freee.
So far, are you with me? Good.
I'm going to go in reverse order, third test to last...
The third test is simply this:
Measure your waistline. Use a tape measure and do not pull it tight. Measure right below the navel.
Write down that number in inches.
Then measure your height out of shoes in inches. Write that down too.
Multiply your waist inches by 2. If that number is greater than your height inches you are FOUR TIMES more likely to have heart disease.
For example, if you have a 36-inch waist and you are 70 inches tall, you are at a much greater risk for heart disease (36 x 2 = 72 which is greater than 70.) However if you have a 34-inch waist and you are 70 inches tall, you risk is far less (34 x 2 = 68 which is less than 70.)
Four times. That's more predictive than cholesterol tests by far.
And a lot less expensive to boot.
Don't just read about this test -- DO IT. I'll give you something you can do ABOUT it if you fail this test in a second.
The great news is that this is one factor that is totally within your control.
Test number two: Know your SED rate. This is an inflammatory marker in the blood.
Test number one: Know your hsCRP and LP(a) levels. Both of these can be done as one test usually. Both are inflammatory markers as well as key indicators of heart health.
Go to your doctor and ask for these three blood tests. Usually they can be done all at once. Sometimes they are separate, but they are all crucial.
If you are thin and look healthy, listen to this:
You too can be Lance Armstrong or Jim Fixx....and not know it.
Lance and Jim looked like two of the healthiest men on the planet. Lance beat testicular cancer but came within an inch of his life. Jim died after a short jog of a heart attack very young in life.
Looks can be deceiving.
This is Sherry's argument -- and she's totally correct.
That's why I give you THREE (well, actually four) TESTS.
You see, it's virtually impossible to have a normal SED rate, a normal hsCRP level and a normal LP(a) level and be at imminent risk for any of these killer diseases.
Possible, perhaps -- but almost not.
So, if you look healthy and feel like a bazillion bucks, you still need to know your levels of these inflammatory markers.
If you are overweight or obese, you totally absolutely MUST do the waist/height test as well as the others.
You see, it goes both ways.
Some obese folks test out okay at the doc's office. Their cholesterol, blood pressure, and all typical readings are okay. Rarely does a doc run an hsCRP or LP(a). And rarely do they run a SED rate.
See the importance here?
Both the fit and the unfit can be at dire risk and not even know it.
Now, here's the solution:
A low-inflammatory nutrition and training plan, along with plenty of stress-free time.
I can help you with the first two things.
The third thing -- de-stressing -- is up to you. You may want to spend 30 minutes a day doing yoga, walking, meditating, praying, or whatever calms your MIND and BODY down.
Check it out:
Lance and Jim were both doing insane amounts of exercise... so much that they demanded insane amounts of high-inflammatory foods. Foods like processed carbohydrates for example.
And they both got sick. One of them died.
My good friend Dr. Steven Chase believes that 85% of cancer is preventable.
Re-read that: 85%. And he's an oncologist -- a cancer doctor.
And you know heart disease is 95% preventable... or did you?
But all of these killers, especially diabetes, demand a low-insulin, low-inflammatory nutrition and exercise plan.
Lance and Jim had sky-high inflammatory levels from all that exercise. It was literally TOO much exercise.
That's why so many marathoners die of heart attacks. They eat inflammatory foods and engage in high-stress exercise for too long of a time.
So, what's the answer?
1. Short workouts that are intense, effective, and enjoyable. Weights and cardio both, or in-home resistance workouts will work fine.
2. Longer "soft" workouts like brisk walking that helps de-stress the body and burn more bodyfat.
3. A nutrition plan that allows for your favorite foods at the RIGHT TIME of the day but also helps you burn bodyfat without activating your body's stress-producing hormones like
Most nutrition plans are stressful. Big mistake. Stress can cause you to hold on to bodyfat. Plus stress causes inflammation.
Most workout plans are either too easy or too intense for too long a period of time. My System is super-short (7-14 minutes a day, plus walks when you can.) This is enough to build all the muscle you need plus burn bodyfat when combined with the nutrition plan.
My System's nutrition plan is ideal if you are willing to "diet" for a day or two, then enjoy a day of eating "normal" foods.
Hey, no one is perfect. Anyone who has half a brain should know that not very many people (myself included) are willing to do without their favorite foods forever.
That's silly -- and it's not necessary to burn bodyfat.
In fact, my System 'demands' that you eat these foods at certain times TO BURN MORE BODYFAT!
Wild, isn't it?
It's the System I've used for years.
It's the combination of two books:
7 Minute Muscle + Every Other Day Diet
Get them both for one low price...
Go here: <--- Helps you pass the tests
Any of my three Upgrade Kits come with both books, a full year of support from me on the Every Other Day Diet group Forum, and so many bonuses I can't list them all.
This combo is something I am so very proud to share with you.
It's the ultimate System for lowering bodyfat, increasing lean muscle, lowering insulin, lowering inflammation, and ensuring your health.
Whether you are in shape or obese, this System is one that will work for you. <--- Helps you pass the tests

How To Get Rid Of Arm Flab

[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]
Got arm flab?
Know someone who does?
Some women I know with a healthy sense of humor refer to it as "their wings" because their arm flab flaps when they walk or jog.
It's time to get rid of your wings ladies...
... and guys, listen up: You are not immune to arm flab. Even if your don't have any, the tips I'm about to give will help you build stronger arms.
Before I go any further, I have to tell you about Marty Web.
Marty looked like ... well, your typical 59-year-old housewife. Actually she looked a bit worse.
She was a good 80 pounds over her ideal bodyweight. And she had her wings...
... big time wings. Loads of arm flab.
That was at age 59.
At age 61... wow. Different story.
Marty transformed her body to such a degree that even I could have never guessed she was an OUNCE overweight!
Her story and 52 others just like her, male and female, are in my first book -- and my best-seller Fit Over 40.
I'd like you to read more about it here -- <--- cure for arm flab
Marty replaced her "wings" with toned, beautiful arms. And you can too.
She has two pages in Fit Over 40... too much to cover in an email... but here's the basics to get you started:
1. You have to get your nutrition down pat. Most people think that the flab on their arms (or anywhere for that matter) can be solved by "turning it into muscle."
This is not true folks. Fat does not turn into "anything". It is used for energy. Period.
Muscle is muscle. Fat is fat.
You must use low-insulin nutrition like I recommend in all my books, including Fit Over 40, to lower your bodyfat. For ladies, the back-of-the-arm bodyfat is often the last bit to go.
But I promise -- it will go. I can go for anyone. Marty Web and dozens of other ladies in Fit Over 40 prove that in living color... and they share how they did it.
Low-insulin nutrition means eating more protein-rich foods, foods that are not processed, and plenty of tasty veggies. But it does not mean you cannot have your pizza and burgers here and there. I do every week and my bodyfat is low.
2. You must train your triceps. The back of the arm is made of three muscles called the "triceps". You have a long head, a medial head and a lateral head that form the triceps muscle group.
If you cannot access a gym, you can do plain-old pushups to work all three heads of the triceps. Here's a few tips. First, if you cannot do a pushup with your legs straight, start by doing them on your knees. Work up to straight-legged pushups.
Second, do one third of your reps with your hands facing away from your body, one third with your hands facing toward your body (fingers pointing toward you) and the final third with your hands in the "normal" pushup position, facing the same direction as your body. This will work the various heads nicely.
If you have access to a gym, see the exercises for the triceps found in my book Fit Over 40: <--- say good-bye to arm flab
3. Finally, you have to have a role model. Find someone like Marty who has lost their wings and use their success to inspire you.
Put these three things together and you too will be "grounded" -- wingless, but with a lovely pair of arms that never jiggle and look fantastic.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Research: Fat Is Contagious?

New Research: Fat Is Contagious?
[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]
It's like a dream come true.
"Gaining bodyfat is the result of a virus."
Wouldn't that be great news?
Let me tell you about the AD-36 adenovirus. Adenoviruses are the same nasty bugs that cause the common cold. We all have these viruses in various forms in our body all the time.
That last bit is a critical distinction.
Remember that.
The Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana has been doing some really ground-breaking research on AD-36. AD-36 affects stem cells... more specifically fat cells, both pre-formed and post-formed.
This means AD-36 can make MORE fat cells if contracted as an infant and make your fat cells larger if contracted as an adult.
Or so the theory goes.
To quote the study:
"Earlier researchers have concluded that Ad-36 may be contributors to obesity by super-charging fat cells to grow and store more fat. Until now, though, those researchers thought the viruses targeted pre-fat cells (called pre-adipocytes), causing them to convert in higher numbers to fat cells and causing those fat cells to be larger. Those studies were in mice. Pasaricas work determines the virus targets stem cells in humans."
The result?
"In one test, a third of obese people had the rare and highly contagious virus compared to just 11 percent of thinner people. Weight gain can last three months until the body has built up resistance to the bug."
Wow. Sounds like we have a winner here. A virus that you can catch that literally makes you gain bodyfat! All we need is...
a vaccine!
First of all, notice that 11% of LEAN people have AD-36. And at any given time, just like a cold or a flu virus, you could contract AD-36. If your body has 'never' been exposed to it, you may require about 3 months to build up antibodies to ward it off.
Now, you can gain a lot of weight in 3 months... but come on. You cannot become obese in three months unless you are really, REALLY working at it.
Plus, like most viruses, you build up immunity to AD-36. Researchers do not know how long the immunity lasts, but some theorize it could last years... some even decades.
And let's not forget those 11% who are lean and have the virus.
Why did they not all of a sudden get "sick" with bodyfat?
Because they are not EATING or LIVING in a way that allows them to gain bodyfat no matter what nasty freakin' viruses may be floating about, that's why.
That's right folks: It is always going to come down to the food we put in our body and the way we move. Here's another hypothesis presented by Sherry Strong, food philosopher and nutritionist: "This could very well be the result of nature creating a mutation to encourage us to eat more due to the fact our consumption of natural, whole and organic foods is so low."
Brilliant observation... and one tha makes complete sense.
Even if a "virus" is responsible for 20% of our weightgain, what about the other 80%?
We do not need a vaccine other than good food and a common sense workout plan.
Here's the best -- <--- the "vaccine" for bodyfat
Here's why I love this workout:
1. It's fast. 7-14 minutes 3-5 days per week. Anyone on earth can do this.
2. The Basic Upgrade (you will see it) still comes with a copy of my book "The Every Other Day Diet." Put the two together and you have an absolute winner of a plan that's practical and enjoyable.
3. Plus, anyone who owns "Every Other Day Diet" gets my upcoming "Radical Fatloss Blueprint" book freee. It comes out March 1st.
That's 3 good reasons to go here and check out 7 Minute Muscle... <--- the "vaccine" for bodyfat
Here's one more:
You know better.
You know that there's never going to be a magic pill for health, vitality, energy and looking your best.
We can keep hoping... or you can take action and get what you want now.
To me, that makes more sense than AD-36 "Super-Retro Fat-burning Vaccine" to hit the marketplace in 2021.

Surprising Things That Make You Leaner

Surprising Things That Make You Leaner
Want to be leaner?Good deal... here's 5 tips that will help you along...TIP 1 Ditch The StarchStarches, such as rice, potatoes, some veggies, oats, etc. are often considered "health foods."While they can be healthy, they can also pack on stomach bodyfat like crazy if you overdo them.As you may know, my "Every Other Day Diet" System (EODD) actually encourages you to eat starches and even sweets several days a week to get rid of excess weight: <-- click.( Some of you may see a survey here on how best to help with your bodyweight goals. )Well... how does THAT work?Simple: Timing is everything.And it takes a "weekly" approach to foods rather than a daily approach. This keeps your metabolism guessing. If your body cannot figure out what you're up to, fatburning is that much more powerful. And you can get by with eating starches... at least a specific times on specific days.But if you're not going to do EODD, then you'll have to wing it. And the best way to wing it is to simply cut starches out entirely for 4-8 weeks. Then slowly add them back a few days per week.This is no where near as effective (or as fun) as the EODD method, but it will get you pointed in the right direction.TIP 2 Can The SodasWhy diet-sodas? A recent study revealed that people who drank diet-sodas actually increased bodyfat when compared to those who drank sugar-sodas.What the... ??Yep. Your body cannot be fooled by aspartame and chemicals. Sorry, but that's the truth.Here's a personal story: When I cut out the diet-sodas my bodyfat drops like a rock in a pond of clear water.And that's what you need to be drinking: A quart of pure water per 50 lbs of bodyweight a day.Try mixing water with lemon and a bit of Stevia (an herbal sweetener) and make lemonade. It's wonderful!TIP 3 Stay HungryIt takes a special person to be hungry... and an even greater one to stay that way.I want you to stay hungry in two ways: In how you workout and literally... stay a bit hungry before you go to bed. Not "starving"... just a bit hungry.For your workouts, I have a great solution. If you pick up EODD you'll get a limited shot at "7 Minute Body"... Jon Benson's combination of "7 Minute Muscle" and "The 7 Minute In-Home Workout" in one book... and for more than half off... but that's a very limited deal. Gotta have EODD... you'll need them both... <-- click.You see, progression -- "forced" progression -- is the best way to stay hungry. 7 Minute Body forces you to progress without thinking about it. Progression is built into the System.As far as staying hungry at night? Check with your doctor and if he/she okays it take 500mg of potassium and 1000mg of magnesium/calcium a few hours prior to bed. This helps with the hunger pangs. Also, keep hard-boiled eggs in the fridge. If you get really hungry, eat one with half the yolk (toss the other half.) It keeps you full for an hour at least.TIP 4 Cardio ClarityHours and hours of cardio a day is not the answer. However, you can do "light" cardio (i.e. brisk walking, or riding the bike at 60% of your max) just to burn off calories. That's okay... and personally I don't find it that boring if I'm watching a TV show. It does not interfere with my main fatloss exercise (weight training... YES!) and it burns off about 400 calories an hour.What does work is early morning fasting cardio... but you only need 9-15 minutes. Jon Benson explains GXP (Modified) in the 7 Minute Body book, available only if you pick up EODD, and you can get it at more than half off: <-- click.TIP 5 Get Raw At NightRaw veggies with your last meal and as a snack will really help your fatburning along. Try starting with red peppers because they're sweet. You you'll eat virtually every veggie raw at night without thinking about it. Give this a shot. The fatloss is well worth it.Yours In Fitness,iftekhar m s chougleP.S. Jon is still giving away "Radical Fatloss Blueprint" along with EODD for a few more days. And I'm giving a lucky few the chance to pick up the Supplement-Kit that comes with Radical Fatloss for almost 100 bucks off... the video and details are here: <-- click.Sorry... EODD Readers Only.... so pick it up today.

Fatloss Tricks No One Tells You About

Fatloss Tricks No One Tells You About
You know... there's a club you should join.It's called The Insider's Club.It is that club whose membership is based only on what secret goodies the members possess.In our case, this is the Fatloss Insider's Club. Only those in the know can join.... freee to them of course... : )So, if you want to get rid of some lbs...FATLOSS TRICK 1 Eat Pizza?Fitness author Jon Benson told me this story.He went for some New York-style pizza in Austin, Texas.Did he feel guilty? No way... in fact the next day he was LEANER.What the what?He had to set up his body for this bit of metabolic trickery ofcourse. You cannot just "eat pizza" and shed the pounds... I wishyou could!But my personal System for fatloss not only "allows" pizza (and allmy other favorite foods)... it DEMANDS that I eat it.Another benefit of Jon's System... it really cuts your appetiteand food-cravings down.Learn how to use his System here: <-- go!FATLOSS TRICK 2 The 10-Minute Cardio TrickIf you want to just get into good heart health, you only need GXP Cardio (covered in the System mentioned above) 2-3 days per week for 9-15 minutes. That's it.However if you want to use "smart cardio" (not long, boring cardio) then you need a bit more. Just a bit.It's called The 10-Minute Trick.Start with just every other day. Then move to 4 days... and then 5.If you are pressed for time, this is ideal. Even if you are not, it works like magic.10 minutes in the morning 'before' you eat. Just make sure your heart rate is only about 65% of your max... in other words, you are not breathing super-heavy at all, but you are working up a sweat. That's it.10 minutes 'before' lunch. Just cut your lunch hour short by 10 minutes... that's all. You don't sweat enough to need a shower... don't worry. Walking stairs works great, or walking outside... be creative!Then 10 'harder' minutes about 2 hours before you go to sleep. Get your heart rate up to where you are breathing a little harder.That's it.You can even start with just two sessions of 10 minutes (morning and night) if lunch is out.FATLOSS TRICK 3 Increase Your Fat?Yep. I want you to eat more dietary-fat.... but I want you to replace some of your carbohydrates (starch like rice, potatoes, etc.) with healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil and almonds.Fat dulls the appetite and all three of the fats above actually help your body get rid of its fat-stores if you decrease carbs.The entire plan is laid out for you. Read more here -- <-- go!FATLOSS TRICK 4 Think ResistanceFar better than cardio will ever be. That would be resistance training.Either weight training or in-home resistance training using bands and bodyweight. Studies confirm what we fitness pros already know: Resistance training not only sculpts the body (cardio cannot) but it also burns 9-12x more bodyfat over the long-term than cardio.But you need both. And both cardio and resistance training (in-home or in the gym) is worked into Jon's book "7 Minute Body."You can get it when you pick up "Every Other Day Diet" for 75% off-retail... it is all detailed here... <-- go!Welcome to the Club!P.S. Jon is still giving away "Radical Fatloss Blueprint" along with EODD for a few more days. And he's giving a lucky few the chance to pick up the Supplement-Kit that comes with Radical Fatloss for almost 100 bucks off... the video and details are here: <-- go!Sorry... EODD Readers Only.... so pick it up today.

"Rebel" Fatloss Tricks

"Rebel" Fatloss Tricks
You know what?I like "weird."I've always been a bit on the fringe side of the fence if you know what I mean.A bit of a rebel.So were guys like Einstein, Mozart, and Picasso. Not that I'm putting myself into their category of genius by any stretch... but I love their approach to life.BE BOLD...OR GO HOME.Makes sense to me. This life it too darn short for anything less than being bold.That means taking some risks here and there. That means taking action while the others are content to sit on the couch being the same person they were yesterday.And the day before...And the month before...And the year before.Do you want to live your years like that? Or do you want to dive into life? Be the greatest "you" possible?Then be a bit of a rebel.Here's some "rebel tips" for fatloss I think you'll enjoy...REBEL TIP 1 Flip The Food Pyramid Upside-downThe USDA's Food Pyramid is an utter joke. It's origins stink up the joint, let me tell you.First, the grain industry was in a pinch when the Food Pyramid was created. And wouldn't you know it... the grain industry increased their "contributions" (read: bribes) to certain politicians to get placement atop the pyramid... or in this case at the very bottom. The "foundation" if you will.Just think about this for a moment:The USDA wants you to eat (gasp) MORE starch than vegetables? More bread than fruits, lean meats, and hormone-producing fats?Are they NUTS??Yes... they are nuts. (Which, by the way, are no where near the foundation... nuts, that is.)You'd be better off flipping the sucker upside-down.That would look like this:40% of your cals from healthy fats 30% of your cals from protein 30% of your cals from carbsRoughly, that is.Sounds... rebellious, right? Well it is.Too bad I have the science (and the abs) to back it up.If you want a system laid out for you, then go here: <-- go!REBEL TIP 2 Cardio Is Not Smart-ee-oAt least the way the so-called "experts" want you to do it.Look: This isn't rocket science. Just walk into any gym...take a look at the folks who only do cardio work for 45-60 minutes every day.Do they look any different from year to year?Let me save you some time: NO. They do not.Cardio (unless you are into endurance sports) is a waste of energy done this way. First, it increases your carbohydrate cravings. For most people that's not a good thing. Why? Because cardio at this pace burns mostly SUGAR, not bodyfat.What do you want to burn?Exactly. Bodyfat.Finally, cardio is no where near as efficient as resistance training at dissolving bodyfat... and certainly not even CLOSE to resistance training when it comes to shaping lean muscle and getting the look all these cardio bunnies are after.Now, I 'do' have a rebel cardio trick... and it takes 9-15 minutes 2-3 times a week to perform.That's it. And you get ALL the benefits heart-wise of long-session cardio. I got the tip from fitness guru Jon Benson.Combine it with some brisk walking and my overall fitness plan and presto: No more bodyfat.Here's what is cool: He put his new in-home version of this resistance-based workout online for a few days at a major discount... but it's only for people who pick up this: <-- go!This is completely illustrated with photos too... and you do not need anything but resistance bands and perhaps some cheap dumbbells to do this in-home. Or you can use the gym-based workouts (included with videos.)Train like this just 3-5 days a week and you can kiss long, boring cardio goodbye.REBEL TIP 3 Do Not Overwork Your AbsHere's a mistake I see most people make in the gym: They do endless sets of crunches, leg raises, and (gasp again) sit-ups... all geared toward seeing those toned abs they want.Guess what?Waste of time.In fact, it's worse than that... it can literally shut down your recovery ability. You'll slow your progress in the gym (or at home)... and your fat-burning too.And you may give up your plan entirely because of it.Here's the brutal truth: Ab 'muscles' are easy to build. It only takes about 3 minutes 2-3 times a week... that's it.( Note: Jon included my "3 Minute Abs" in the fitness book I just told you about... it's only for those who get EODD though... )The muscles are not what make your stomach flatter... it's the nutrition plan folks.You're just building muscle underneath layers of bodyfat... not good.Jon says he does very little direct ab training. When he does it's usually 3-5 minutes tops 2 days a week. And his abs are... well... killer. : )Bottom line: Rely on resistance training and Jon's special "favorite foods dietplan" to get and stay lean.More about it all here: <-- go!So be a rebel.Thumb your nose at the establishment and step out on your own.Trust me: You'll be a leader in every sense of the word if you do.P.S. Jon is still giving away "Radical Fatloss Blueprint" along with EODD for a few more days. And he's giving a lucky few the chance to pick up the Supplement-Kit that comes with Radical Fatloss for almost 100 bucks off... the video and details are here: <-- go!Sorry... EODD Readers Only.... so pick it up today.

"This 1 weird tip works for flattening the belly"

"This 1 weird tip works for flattening the belly"
Some of my greatest progress in life has come by listening to my elders.Wisdom often comes with age.Well in this case, fatloss wisdom comes with really, really... REALLY old age.I'm talking Fred Flintstone-age.But once I saw how it works, it made perfect sense to try it myself...... and what do you know?Flatter stomach; less bodyfat; and better muscle tone. Even sleep improves.All from this 1 tip.There's a presentation you need to see: <-- Click-HereThat will tell you all about it.Enjoy,P.S. On this page you'll also discover how to get a really powerful fatloss plan for freee...Folks can shed up to 21lbs in 21days if they do it right... <-- Click-HereP.S. Special freebie to those who watch my entire presentation on the page above... very nice... : )

Science of hypertrophy article

Science of hypertrophy article
7 Minute ScienceThe science behind brevity trainingby Jon Benson, Author of 7 Minute Muscle funny thing happened on the way to the promo...(I always wanted to start an article like that.)A few months ago I released a book whose title was more reminiscent of a line out of "There's Something About Mary" than a serious work on fitness. "7 Minute Muscle" -- yep, it's getting more and more difficult to distinguish fact from parody.Here's the real irony: Of the 27 testimonials I've received so far that I deem worthy of publishing on the web, over a dozen were from fitness professionals. I'm not talking about "doctors" with a gut as large as their paycheck. I'm speaking of men and women with both academic and real-world experience in the fitness and bodybuilding world.There were exceptions of course. My friend John Berardi, while saying some nice things about the work, couldn't endorse it due to the emphasis on shorter training sessions. That's cool. Everyone has a different approach. But the overwhelming number of folks with consonants behind their names -- those who read the book and applied the principles -- had wonderful things to say.There's a reason for that: The workout protocol is based on the science of hypertrophy as well as psychophysiology, the study of the mind/body connection.I will delve into the mental aspects of the protocols in a later article. For now, since most of you are experienced, educated and (dare I say it) hard-core, let's delve into the meat.7 Minute Muscle is primarily a density-based training system. It demands varying rep ranges done within specific time periods. The protocol factors six of the primary variables of hypertrophy, or muscle growth: Intensity, Load, Volume, Density, Time and Force. (Time includes rest intervals as well as the time required to perform a given task.)A layman's take on one of the basic laws of physics states that time and energy are interrelated. Doing the same amount of work in less time demands more energy, which translates into more power. While power is a factor in training, our interest is focused on forcing muscle growth and adaptation. This is also an element of time and energy. More energy expended in less time = more power.If you break down the typical 3-4 set bench press routine, with reps starting at 12 and ending in the 4-6 range, with longer rest intervals between heavier sets, you'll find that the aggregate weight lifted is "less" than a protocol like 7 Minute Muscle, which uses 'less' weight (easier on the joints) but demands more work in less time. In other words, X amount of repetitions done with Y amount of weight in just 5 minutes (phase 1 of our two-phase protocol) ends up being greater than your typical 3-4 set protocol, despite the fact that more weight is used in the latter.Other routines, of course, utilize this factor of density. Vince Gironda's infamous 8 sets of 8, EDT and so-forth. 7 Minute Muscle goes a bit further by varying rest, load factors and repetition range. Reps will vary from as low as one rep to as much as ten, and all of this is at the trainee's discretion. They have only one objective: Increase the aggregate repetition count from one training session to the next. Since time is limited (broken down into two phases: A Power Phase of no more than 5 repetitions and a Mass Phase of no more than 10 repetitions) the trainee is given a system that more accurately measure the seventh and most crucial factor of hypertrophy: Progression.More work in less time. Variable repetition ranges. Variable rest intervals. And all in seven minutes (for beginners.) Intermediate and advanced-level trainees are given 14 and 21-minute protocols if they wish to implement them. I myself rarely go beyond 14 minutes, as that is all that's required to stimulate muscle growth.I will cover health factors, cardiovascular work, ab training, and the science of mind and body in future articles. For now, give 7 Minute Muscle a shot. There's nothing funny about it, except for the fact that you'll be laughing all the way home from the gym as you finished your killer workout while your buddies were still warming up.---------[ Ed. Note: Jon Benson is the author of four best-selling fitness and nutrition books: Fit Over 40, Simply Eat, The Every Other Day Diet and 7 Minute Muscle, as well as the year-long M-Power Audio Series. You can read more about 7 Minute Muscle at ]

Eat Less, Train Less, Live Longer!

Eat Less, Train Less, Live Longer!
Did you see that article on MSNBC about living longer?"While the quest for the proverbial Fountain of Youth is endless and typically fruitless, one method known to extend the human lifespan by up to five years has quietly become accepted among leading researchers. The formula is simple: Eat less. It could add years to your life, several experts now say. And done in moderation, it could at least help you live a more healthy life."Really? Eat less. Live longer?Who'd thunk?But seriously, why is this the case? And more importantly, why do so many other health and fitness pros give the opposite advice, often asking you to eat 5-8 times a day? Is there some common ground?Yes there is. But first let's look at why eating less can mean living longer.That article went on to say:"Calorie restriction, as it is called, is as close to a real Fountain of Youth as any known technique comes. Even scientists who are cautious about anti-aging hype say it works, both by cutting risks for some diseases and by allowing all body cells, somehow, to hang in there longer."This is just part of the story. As usual, the mainstream media doesn't always bother to give you the entire picture.Eating less is a bit over-simplistic. Caloric restriction is based on "quantitative" reduction, not simply eating like a bird or starving yourself. That will never work. You won't stick to it and your body certainly won't bother to burn off its spare bodyfat when it thinks you're in a stone age famine.The key is to avoid overtraining in the gym like the plague. Too much training and you'll be forced to eat more food -- usually not a good thing.Jon Benson's new system "7 Minute Muscle" is perfect for someone who is wanting to not spend their lives in the kitchen or in the gym. This is REQUIRED READING if you really want to see how great you can look in the least amount of time possible. Sure, you work hard. There's no pills or gadgets involved. But it's worth every minute... all 7 of them! <--- read more here

Why Do People Fail In The Gym?

Why Do People Fail In The Gym?
So here's the million-dollar question:"What's the number one reason people do not work out?"Is it lack of money? Lack of motivation? Perhaps they lack the ideal workout plan?Nope. It's TIME. Or rather the lack thereof."We know that 50 per cent of the population doesn't [exercise] and the most commonly cited barrier to exercise is lack of time." This quote comes from exercise researcher Martin Gibala, a kinesiology professor at McMaster University in Hamilton.Gibala put his theory to the test in a study that was published in the Journal of Physiology. In it Gibala compared a group who exercised "traditionally" -- 90 to 120 minutes per day -- with another group exercising far less: Only 20 minutes per day and only three days per week.That's a whopping one hour per week folks.Did you know that Jon Benson's "7 Minute Muscle" plan calls for only five 7-minute workouts with resistance training (weights or bodyweight) plus only 9 minutes cardio a few days per week?And that actually works? Yeah... you bet it does.If you do the math, that's about an hour per week as well.This is the "Level 1" workout. There are three levels depending on your goals and exercise tolerance.Find out more here -- <--- brief is best!Back to Gibala's study:In just two weeks both groups showed improvement in both exercise performance and oxygen uptake. (Remember, fat burns in the presence of oxygen.)The kicker is that both groups were almost identical in their improvement. Why? Because the brief exercise group trained with greater focus and more intensity -- exactly how Jon suggests you train.This is just one of dozens of studies that confirm the benefits of shorter but more intense workouts.However, there is a catch: Train too hard and you will shut down your fat-burning furnace.Your body perceives over-exertion done over an extended period of time as a sign of pursuit. It can trigger an ancient hormonal sequence that says, "I'm being chased by a tiger! Horde the fat!"The body literally shuts down what it considers to be unnecessary activity in favor of self-preservation. And guess what? Burning off those hips and love handles is not a biological necessity.You have to learn when to hit it hard AND when to rest and recover.Finally, you have to put yourself into the proper mental state in order to see greater results in the shortest period of time.Jon devotes an entire chapter to putting your mind into your muscle to make gains faster than ever befor in "7 Minute Muscle." You can read more here -- <--- brief is best!Just remember these three key points:1. Time is the greatest barrier to fitness. 2. Workouts can be short and very effective. 3. The body goes where the mind directs.Until next week, train smart.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Secret To A Better Lovelife

The Secret To A Better Lovelife
[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]
Today we need to chat about your hormones.
Yeah, I chat a lot about hormones. That's because I have been to Hormone Hell and back. Twice.
I've lived to tell the tale.
It's scary... and it's one of those hidden illnesses that you might not even know you have.
I had it at 27. I did not affect my lovelife, but that was probably due to my youth. If I did not treat it then, I would have no lovelife or drive at ALL right now.
I treated it with drugs. That is all we had back then.
Today I use a combination of therapies, many of which are natural....
1. I train with weights to increase testosterone-levels naturally.
2. I train and do cardio before eating in the morning do increase gH levels naturally without drugs.
3. I cycle my calories to increase my thyroid levels naturally.
As you can see there are many ways to increase your hormone levels naturally.
But it's not all exercise and nutrition. Now we have several "botanical" supplements: Herbs and other natural helpers to help the fight.
I wish I would have known about Dr. Lucille when I was 27.
She's the expert in that field. Herbs, nutrition for hormone help, and how to protect your body IF you have to take drugs to help the problem like I do.
I listen to her. So should you.
Here's her site: <--- natural energy help
The best thing about having your hormones optimized is energy.
Yes, you will burn more bodyfat.
Yes, you will increase your lovelife and your desire to have intimacy.
Yes, you will increase your resistance to disease and common illnesses.
But I think MORE ENERGY is the best.
I have the energy to do anything I want at just about any time I want.
Here's an example:
Today I had to go to the funeral of a dear friend. She passed away after struggling with a lifetime of various illnesses, many of which were made worse by lifestyle choices. Some she had no control over.
We all loved her dearly.
We drove until 1:00AM this morning. I got up early for the funeral but not early enough to eat breakfast.
I had a large lunch afterwards and then we headed back -- another 3 hour boring drive in traffic.
Even with all of this emotional stress, my body only needed a 2-hour nap to pop right back into high gear. I could literally go and workout now at almost 11:00pm if I had to.
I'm glad I don't because I have a night of packing ahead of me for a business trip!
Still, the point is simple:
Hormone Health = Greater Energy
Most people do not exercise because... get this....

They do not FEEL like it.
I don't mean "feel like it" as in they would rather do something else, although that is the case sometimes.
I mean "feel like it" in the sense that they have NO energy to do it.
They are tired, run-down after a 9 to 5 day, and feel zonked.
You too?
If so, you need this info... <--- natural energy help
Remember: More energy, more lovelife. More workouts that burn fat. More done in the day.
More living... in the best way possible.

Training With Weights vs "Weight Training"
Just a word of warning:
I will be using the term "bodybuilder" or "bodybuilding" to refer to anyone who wants to build lean muscle and burn bodyfat in this article.
That means you.
Yep... you are a "bodybuilder." That does not mean you want to look like a monster on stage and pose in front of thousands of people wearing nothing but your undies.
That means you want more lean muscle and less bodyfat -- that's it.
With that in mind, here's something you have to know:
Bodybuilders do not "lift weights" -- we "train" with weights.
We use weights as a tool like a sculptor uses a hammer and chisel.
The object of the game is not to lift some heavy weight from Point A to Point B and back. That's weight lifting. "Bodybuilding" is about making the muscle you want to change do all the work.
Here's two ways to do it:
1. Lower the weight and focus: Most people are just concerned with the lift itself. "Get this weight off of me!" seems to be the unconscious mantra. This will not get the job done. In fact you may end up looking bulky rather than sleek... or just not change at all. Instead, lower the weight slightly, slow the pace down (especially on the descent of the movement) and picture the muscle in your mind doing ALL of the work. Literally put your mind in the muscle. You will be amazed at how different the same exercise feels with this degree of concentration,.
2. Contract, hold, release: At the top of any movement, contract the muscle hard. Hold that contraction for a second or two, then release it and lower the weight slowly. This will not only cause faster muscle growth (that is a good thing) but also demand that you use less weight to get the job done. This means your joints -- shoulders, knees, elbows -- will last a lifetime. At 45 my joints are in perfect health. Protect yours at all costs.
Just remember: You are not just lifting weights when you train for muscle shape and "tone" -- you are a sculptor. Treat your tools and your body with that degree of care.
I cover many more tips on how to build lean muscle and burn bodyfat faster in my book "7 Minute Muscle".
Read more here: <--- more muscle in far less time

Burn More Bodfyat With Spices

Burn More Bodfyat With Spices
[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]
It's the spice of life.
Food that is. Or opinions. I guess there is a lot of things that are officially "the spice of life."
I think spices are the spice of life.
I have a new-found love of spices since hanging around a killer healthy-food chef for the past week.
Wow oh wow... I had no idea.
And hey -- I'm helping her put her recipes into to a book that will be out soon.
I'll send you all a video of this woman doing her thing too in a week or so... prepare to be blown away.
Back to spices:
Not only can spices save an otherwise boring healthy meal.... turns to find out spices can help you burn more bodyfat.
The January 2006 issue of The Journal of Physiology and Behavior cited numerous studies on several spices that increased thermogenesis in the body.
Thermogenesis is simply heat -- and since a calorie is a unit of heat, guess what?
More thermogenesis = more calories burned = Less bodyfat.
Pretty cool stuff this thermogenesis.
In fact thermogenesis is the foundation of my upcoming handbook "The Radical Fatloss Blueprint." Out in late February.
I'm giving this book away for freee for 21 days to anyone who owns a copy of "The Every Other Day Diet."
The book comes out in late February... and it is... well, radical.
Up to 21 pounds in 21 days.
But you can only do it for 21 days. Fair deal, right?
If you want the book for freee, make sure you have "Every Other Day Diet" so I can send it to you the last week of February.
Get EODD here -- <--- more thermogenesis, less bodyfat
For now, here's the spices that work the best to help you burn bodyfat:
1. Capsaicin, the compound gives red chili pepper its heat, increased energy via heat expenditure by up to 23% after ingesting it at breakfast.
2. Black Pepper increases body heat (thermogenesis) by bonding to TRPV1 receptors in the brain.
3. Turmeric has both anti-cancer and pro-thermogenic support. Best of two worlds if you ask me.
Combine these three spices: Red chili pepper, black pepper and turmeric, and use them liberally (as you can handle them) on your lunch and dinner meals.
Just be careful not to overdo the spices, otherwise you'll end up with more heartburn than fatburn.
I'll be including FAR more powerful ways to burn bodyfat radically in "The Radical Fatloss Blueprint" -- and you can get your copy free the last week of February if you own Every Other Day Diet.
Get it here -- <--- more thermogenesis, less bodyfat

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Life is all about balance.

Life is all about balance.
At least I think so.
So does hormone expert Dr. Holly Lucille.
Holly's idea of balance goes beyond day-planners and schedules. She talks about "internal" balance: Balance between your natural hormones to help create energy, lower bodyfat, and jacking up your
Good stuff.
I wanted to give you this today. It's an excerpt from Dr. Lucille's fantastic book, "Creating and Maintaing Balance."
Pick it up here freee: <--- 26 pages book Enjoy!