Friday, January 1, 2010

"Obesity and Swine Flu"

Well, it is happening:
Swine flu is beginning to really take hold.
Not just in the United States, but all over the world.
But that's not the scary part...
... the scary part is the fact that being obese OR overweight has now been directly linked to DYING from the swine flu.
My friend Jon Benson put together a 5-minute video that documents these findings.
This is freee for you to view -- and you owe it to yourself to check it out.
Go here --
Folks, we have to get a grip on this.
And believe it or not, it starts in your kitchen.
Watch the video to find out what to do.

"How To Avoid Those 5 Awful Words..."

"I'm Not in the Mood" with Some Libido-Lifting Tips
Tell me if you can relate to the following experience:
A long week of work has finally reached its end. Sure, the week was difficult, but the main reason for its lengthiness was due to anticipation -- anticipation of what the weekend held in store.
All weekends are great. But this weekend was billed to be WAY above average. Why? Because you were spending it with your significant other, away from it all, in one of the finest of hotels your city has to offer. And if a little bit of luck was on your side, it would turn out to be one of the more memorable "experiences" of a lifetime -- ahem, if you know what I mean (and I think you do).
Turns out, things didn't go as planned. The hotel was great, and the decor was to die for, but The Five Dreaded Words were spoken, the ones that always put the kibosh on a romantic night of lovemaking: "I'm not in the mood."
Each one of us have either felt or heard these words spoken before, and whether you're the giver or the receiver, it's never pleasant. Sex is a HUGE part of a relationship, and when opportunities for lovemaking go by the wayside, it frequently diminishes forthcoming opportunities -- whether it's due to fear of the same thing happening again, or the lowering of expectations.
The key, of course, is to have that "motivation" within you at all times so those Five Dreaded Words are never spoken. Here's a small helping of ways in which to keep your libido lifted so you can avoid the 5DW :
Skeptics argue that keeping one's libido lifted through diet is a self-fulfilling prophecy; in other words, if you think almonds or chocolate will lift your libido, odds are good they will.
But scientific evidence -- not psychosomatic hogwash -- suggests that certain foods do, indeed, lift one's libido. For example, a study from Southwestern University found that coffee beans lift the libido of females. For men, the love-lifting libation is tea, specifically Damiana tea. Alternative health expert Dr. Sarah Brewer says the ingredient responsible for increasing male libido in this tea is called gonzalitosin. This ingredient sends a tingling sensation to the penis.
As a man, all I can say is, "Say no more!"
Supplementing with vitamins and minerals are, hopefully, a normal part of your daily regimen, but specific supplements provide a great boost to your sex drive. Take St. John's Wort as an example.
St. John's Wort has a multitude of benefits -- from improving one's mood to improving one's mind -- and those benefits can be found in the bedroom. Because of its mood-improving properties, studies have shown that 60 percent of people formerly uninterested in sex regained their interest after taking St. John's Wort.
Care for two more? Try ginseng and gingko biloba on for size (and no, I don't mean that kind of size). Ginseng is one of the earliest herbs to be widely marketed in the United States, and it's taken by millions of people regularly for the natural boost of energy it provides. So for people whose energy levels leave them pooped time comes for whoopee, ginseng is just the thing.
As for gingko biloba, this oddly-named herb stimulates blood flow throughout the body and brain (which explains why it's taken by those who have a hard time remembering things). As blood flow improves its flow throughout the body, it serves as the perfect elixir for those who have a hard time getting a, shall we say, "hard on."
Research published in the Journal of Sex Education and Therapy found that men who took gingko biloba regularly were able to maintain erections after six months (granted, gingko biloba is not an overnight healer, but the improvement took place, and it took place without the negative side effects that always accompany male impotency drugs).
A low libido may feel like something that's out of your hands; something that will come back on its own in its own due course. That may be the case, but more often than not, it can be through our every-day actions and lifestyle.
For more information on the "Why?" and "How?" of libido, you may want to check out a great new website I've discovered. At (READ MORE) you'll discover some of the hidden reasons why your libido has been slumping for so long, but more importantly, how to get it on the upswing quickly, painlessly, and naturally.
I hope you'll take this opportunity and visit (READ MORE) today. By the time your next weekend getaway comes around, you'll thank me (and your partner will thank you).
I recommend you visit their website immediately, where you'll get a crash course on how this issue has affected me personally; more information on the links between what's 'down there' and hypertension; and most important of all, how you can improve the health of your body and your relationship...all-naturally.

"Freee fatloss course and book!"

"Freee fatloss course and book!"
This is one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time.
Fitness pro Jon Benson released a bombshell last week on the fat-burning world.
He is giving away a book's worth of material in his freee 7-Day Personal Fat Loss Certification Course.
Freee... and get this: Anyone who completes the course gets his book "The Radical Fatloss Blueprint" freee as well.
So there's nothing to buy at all... in fact you get tons of freee stuff AND you can even earn bucks in the program.
It's just too cool for words.
So go see it for yourself:
CLICK NOW<--- freee fatloss Course and book
Here is a short review:
The Course is for anyone who wants to become their own "personal" fatloss expert. It is complete with a quiz each day and more material than most people sell in a book... and it's totally freee.
After the course, you get his "Radical Fatloss Blueprint" freee too. This is all about how he and a group of "guinea pigs" experimented with natural techniques and got up to 21 lbs of unwanted bodyfat off in just 21 days.
The average was 17.5, but some people got as much as 30 lbs off.
All with little to no muscle lost.
It then outlines the 'exact' workout and supplement "feeding" schedule Jon still uses to get into top shape in 21 days.
This is down to the 'hour'... and it includes home workouts or gym workouts. Your choice.
This is his gift to my readers, and I am thrilled to share it with you.
Here you go:
click now<--- freee fatloss Course and book
Enjoy the course!

"Should you be concerned?"

"Should you be concerned?"
Anyone with a history of high blood pressure in their family knows what devastation it can wreak. It carries with it a mishmash of health risks, many of them serious, like tripling the risk of dying from a heart attack, quadrupling the risk of dying from a stroke, doubling the risk of congestive heart failure and tripling the risk of developing kidney disease.
But if our very lives weren't enough for high blood pressure to be in the top five of our "Health Issues to Be Concerned About" lists, then how about the lives of our marriages and relationships?
High blood pressure has a significant impact on a couple's sexlife. Sex is a crucial part of any relationship, and when a loving couple is not having it at least on a semi-regular basis, more often than not, the relationship sours faster than curdled milk.
The reason high blood pressure affects the average sexlife all boils down to blood flow. Due to the narrowing of the arteries that high blood pressure creates, it diminishes a man's ability to have an.erection -- never mind maintain one -- as there's less blood flowing to the penis.
To rectify this situation, the average guy heads to his doctor, reluctantly tells him or her about his issues "down there," and the doctor prescribes him with some form of hypertension med -- usually an alpha or beta-blocker.
Problem solved, right? Not exactly.
While your blood pressure levels might lower incrementally, your sex drive will lower incrementally as well -- the very opposite of what you want to have happen.
This isn't some theory concocted by so-called natural health "whack jobs," mind you. Well-respected news organizations and medical information outlets -- like ABC News and the Mayo Clinic -- corroborate this. In an ABC News webcast on Feb. 7 of last year, Dr. Domenic Sica, chairman for Clinical Pharmacology and Hypertension at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, said this:
"When you look at it, a number of the blood pressure medications we use are associated with the onset of male dysfunction. Now, that can be a diuretic, a beta-blocker, or so-called peripheral alpha beta-blocker -- those are three drugs commonly linked to male dysfunction."
I'm not sure the link can be made any clearer; you name the hypertension drug, and it will adversely affect your sexlife.
Given this, if you'll pardon the cliche, how does one kill two birds with one stone? How does one lower their blood pressure and improve their lovelife at the same time? Or is that even possible?
Absolutely it's possible, and you can learn how to do it all-naturally.
Bestselling authors Frank Mangano and Jon Benson have developed an easy, all-natural way to lower your blood pressure and improve your sexlife at the same time. They weren't sure this was possible, but after months of research and hordes of emails from people on how their system worked for them, they don't just think it's possible, they know it's possible!
Let me prove it to you.

Go here:

I recommend you visit their website immediately, where you'll get a crash course on how this issue has affected me personally; more information on the links between what's 'down there' and hypertension; and most important of all, how you can improve the health of your body and your relationship...all-naturally.

"Now THIS is interesting..."

Have you ever started out to do one thing but ended up doing something different?
Night and day different?
Remember how Post-It Notes were invented?
Some guy was trying to come up with a "permanent" glue.
Obviously he failed... and he considered it a failure... but 3M had another idea.
The guy was all of a sudden Joe Brilliant.
Well, I'm feeling a bit like Joe today.
But this is much more interesting to you than Post-It Notes...
It's about s - e - x... sorta.
Not dirty, I'm talking about couple's stuff here.
My new book just came out today about it.
But it didn't start off that way at all.
In fact ... get this... I was co-writing a book with medical researcher Frank Mangano on lowering blood pressure without meds... really.
So how did this big U-turn occur?
Okay, okay.... funny, true story:
I read this article from a medical journal about how "lowering blood pressure would help sexual-performance-problems."
Ding. The lightbulb went off in my head.
You see, lowering blood pressure is probably the most healthy thing you can do for yourself.
But face it -- it's really, really BORING.
I mean, who really cares about their blood pressure unless their doctor says, "Look, lower your blood pressure or you'll die in six months."
Then you care.
Are you with me?
I'm right and we all know it.
Heck, I was the same way.
I ignored my blood pressure for years until it hit stroke-level back in my 30s.
Then I could no longer ignore it.
I found every natural alternative possible... which led me to Frank's books... and they are the BEST.
So Frank comes to me and asks me to contribute to his very popular on-the-shelf book "The Blood Pressure Miracle" --
... and I said,
"Hey, guess what I just read?"
Since he's the researcher, I said, "Go see if there's any truth to this."
The results BLEW MY MIND.
Not only is there truth to it -- that, yes... lowering blood pressure not only extends your life but also extends your sexlife as well -- but WOW... it's a major player in everything from male-ED to females feeling "out of the mood."
It's crazy, but it's true.
It makes sense once you read this:
READ MORE<--- Low Pressure Sex-System
Hang with me: It gets better...
So Frank digs up article after article on the subject of high blood pressure and LOW sexual-energy and performance... and we have a much more compelling reason to want to lower our blood pressure, now don't we?
But we wanted more.
I said, "Look Frank, I get a lot of emails about sex-after-30... people who want to feel more kick, more alive in that area of their lives... and above all, closer to their mates."
So... we decided to add another book on TOP of our book...
... a book on improving sexual-pleasure for couples only. "RevolutionarySex" is the name of it. My friend Alex Allman wrote it...and just like that we had two books instead of one.
But that's not all... ( told you... this story is interesting... ; )
THEN my friend Jeff Anderson comes out with his "homemade V" -- and guys, we know what "V" stands for.
Listen: V (little blue things) is really dangerous stuff. It really is. It RAISES blood pressure for one thing. For another it can cause addiction and memory loss.
But Jeff's version is all-natural, cheap (we're talking pennies instead of dollars per "pill" to make) and above all... SAFE.
So all of a sudden... THREE books (plus an audio)... so...
It became a System, not a book.
And the topic went from "lowering blood pressure" to ...
... How you can completely solve your sexual-performance-problems and increase your pleasure all by lowering blood pressure naturally without meds."
What a concept...
...and it WORKS.
READ MORE<--- <--- Low Pressure Sex-System
Here are the advantages...
1. If you take blood pressure meds... and a lot of you do... your "kick in the stick" suffers. A lot. Some men suffer all the way, which lead them to taking the V stuff...
... and that stuff 'raises' blood pressure.
Bad, bad combo. Our System gets you off of that dangerous and expensive cycle of drugs and on to a natural, easy approach that also adds pleasure to your relationship.
2. Cheaper... by far... than meds.
3. Something you can read and do as a couple or as a single person.
4. You get healthy and you get your vigor back at the same time. Ladies too.
5. It's guaranteed-to-work... 60 days on us.
I'm very proud of this System. We put a lot of time, research and effort into it.
If you want a life freee from high BP and sexual-performance-issues and better health, then go here:
READ MORE<--- Low Pressure Sex-System
P.S. There's even more to this story --
We created an "Advanced Health and Relationship-Saver Kit" that comes with the most awesome self-hypnosis audios to help you relieve stress, lower pressure, increased your "drive", and more.
You can get the starter Kit or the Advanced Kit here:
READ MORE<--- Low Pressure Sex-book
Here's to your health... and your increased pleasure and enjoyment.

The Skinny on Fats

Let's get this one out in the open:
1. Fats do not make you gain bodyfat.
2. Fats do not put you on Heart Attack Row.
3. Fats are not the enemy.
We've been sold a bag of lies when it comes to fats.
Fats are essential for your body's hormone production, skin health, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and even burning bodyfat. Yep... you need fats to burn fat.!
Studies have been conducted to attempt to elevate cholesterol levels using high-fat diets. Most all of them have failed miserably -- in fact several "lowered" total cholesterol while raising the so-called "good" cholesterol (HDL).
That being said, you don't need the following...
1. A lot of fats in your diet. Fats still contain over twice the calories per gram as carbs and protein.
2. Any kind of "fake fats" -- margarine or processed oils of any kind are highly dangerous foods.
Here's my simple dietary fats solution:
1. Eat fats as they occur in nature, but eat at least 80% as they "actually" occur in nature -- meaning from grass-fed and free-range sources. The extra cost is worth it. It tastes better and your medical costs will well offset the few dollars more per pound you pay.
2. Cook with a combination of olive oil and coconut oil, but use both sparingly. If you are eating plenty of animal protein you do not need excessive fats... not because of 'danger' but because of needless calories. Not a good idea if you're wanting to keep your abs. But a bit of raw butter or olive oil can make bland veggies taste wonderful, so feel freee.
Also, omega 3-rich fats like olive oil and fish (and especially fish oil) help lower inflammation. That's the real culprit behind heart disease in most cases.
3. Avoid a lot of fats at night. The night-time meals should be high in lean protein (tuna, tofu, turkey breast) with very limited fats if you are wanting to really get lean. If you are just trying to shed bodyweight slowly, it's okay to have some fats at night.
Just do me a favor: If you are on the "Fats make you gain bodyfat and have heart attacks" bandwagon, jump off. We have consumed fat for countless thousands of years. Just consume it the way we always HAVE (naturally, not stuffed with hormones and cooked up in a lab) and you'll be fine.
If you want a diet-solution that actually uses dietary fats to help you take off the bodyfat, then use this one:
CLICK HERE <--- Eat Fats, Burn Bodyfat!
It's a real-world plan that allows you to eat your favorite foods and still shed the bodyweight you want.
And yes -- that includes fats.